Monday 27 May 2013

10 reasons why it's time to rent movies online

10 reasons why it's time to rent movies online

There was a time, in the not so distant past, when a trip to your local video store with the family was a weekly or monthly gift. If you were lucky enough to have a video rental store larger than had multiple copies of releases and thousands of DVDs on hand, there was a good chance that you could find movies to suit all tastes. But some things have happened since the days that have made video rental stores all but obsolete.

For starters, the big media box like Blockbuster have been driven out of the bricks and mortar video rental business to seek salvation online. For most of us, our video stores are nothing more than the corner convenience store a few hundred movies on hand at any time. Space is at a premium for these guys so they can only afford to have a few copies of new releases, along with a handful of titles oldest movie rental on hand at any time. It is so frustrating to drive only to find the movie you had your heart set on is always out.

Also, the next day again and disadvantages that implies, usually finds us accumulating late fees that have often worked cheaper for us if we had bought the DVD instead. What if you go on a road trip or to the cottage for a weekend - 24 hour rental periods just do not cut it for many of us. And what about the actual rental price? $ 3 or more per movie rental? Everyone with a cable or satellite subscription has access to rental pay-per-view, and the concept is pretty solid. The downside is that typical pay-per-view rentals cost $ 5 or more. I'm not sure the convenience is worth much more.

Indie Film Financing and Movie Distribution - Dancing

Indie Film Financing and Movie Distribution - Dancing

Independent film financing and movie distribution reminds of what it feels like dancing naked on stage (much respect for exotic dancers at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club!). You show up to pitch your movie project and must be able to dance to the music of a film investor. Is your stage and not yours as an independent filmmaker seeking film funding. They want you to make a film that attracts sealable film distributors so the production can make money.

Most investors I have met with are not interested in putting hard money independent art films because they are difficult to sell and buyers of films abroad are usually not interested in them. The dialogue and scenes from some type of art films and do not translate well to foreign buyers and movie viewers. Action, horror and the skin does not need subtitles for people who follow the story is what I have been told by dealers. Talking head films may not make sense to viewers who do not understand the subtle lines spoken in a foreign language.

Independent film financing continues to change as indie film distribution becomes more economically unstable. The place is hitting independent film producers is harder right at the source - film financing. Investors film right now do not feel excited about putting money into films that do not have bankable actors names. This calls not like independent films that have a list of actors-or produced by millions of dollars. The types of projects indie film passion you can do once you've done in the entertainment world level study.

Investors independent film and film distributors do not expect you to have an A-list actor, but do not want the producers have actors (B-list or C-list or D-list) with some name recognition or celebrity. The first question film investors and distributors of films are made is that the plaster. This is where most indie filmmakers is blown out of the water, as they have a cast of unknown actors. There is a glut of independent films that are made because technology has made it more affordable to make movies.

The positive side is that independent films are becoming entertainment that would not otherwise have seen the light of day before. The downside is meaningful movie distribution (charge) for indie films produced continues to decline as independent films being made increases (supply and demand of 101). I talked to a film distributor that caters to the release of independent films and was told that film received new proposals every day.

Friday 24 May 2013

The 7 worst job interview mistakes people make

The 7 worst job interview mistakes people make

ou landed a job interview for a job you really want - but the hiring manager never called him after it was over. What happened?

It could be that the chemistry was not true, of course, or that wages are not aligned - but it is very likely that you made some silly mistakes and entirely preventable that derailed his chances.
"Given how competitive it is out there, I'm appalled by some of the mistakes interview people continue doing," says Dana Manciagli a career expert from Seattle, who spent a decade at Microsoft and currently runs his own executive coaching firm.

Related: 6 Career-Killing Phrases stop using now
She and other experts say that even the candidates for the highest professional standards make mistakes - not only those in the lower ranks or average level. In an economy still tight with a lot of people competing for jobs of all kinds, here are some of the best job interview pots:

1. You leave your cell phone on.
When your phone ring shortens critical conversation about the work they covet, I guess that makes your chances?
A human resources manager in Manhattan, says she sees this often - and always surprised when it does. "Candidates are going to say, 'Oh, gee, I'm sorry" and get to turn their phones off. But why did not I think of that before we walked in the door? For me, it is a lack of preparation. It is also inconsiderate. "
And if you really pick up the phone or send a text during the interview, as some people do - do not ask why they were not called.

Two. You are too focused on himself.
If you overuse the word "I" during the interview, hiring managers can see a big ego standing in the way of a job offer. "Many candidates talk about themselves ad nauseum, with little or no relevance to the job in hand," says Manciagli. "Whether this is due to nerves, or lack of self-awareness, or naivety - people hurt your chances of getting the job."
If you can not clearly articulate how you can help the company succeed or solve their problems, probably not a top candidate. "It's very important that you know the specific expertise required," says Manciagli. "This is basic and is directed to the preparation, but many people do not. Should say briefly during his interview:" From my understanding of the task, seeking these skills. This is how I can help. "Then it will be very specific."

10 Best Jobs for Americans 65

10 Best Jobs for Americans 65

Most people who continue working after retirement age do not stay in their current job, according to Boston College Sloan Center on Aging and Work. Instead, go to "bridge" jobs - jobs that encompass the period between giving up a professional job and stop working forever.
PHOTO GALLERY: Click here for the 10 best jobs for older Americans

Good work bridge has several key elements. An AARP survey of older workers in 2008 found that 88 percent want a pleasant working environment in the next position, and 74 percent of a flexible schedule. A total of 38 percent say they are looking for part-time work, while 34 percent would like to work from home.

A lot of online resources exist to help seniors find jobs like these. Besides brains removed, resources include Jobs retirement, senior job, PrimeCB, labor and Seniors4Hire retirement.

22 Tips Learned from nine years of The Office

22 Tips Learned from nine years of The Office

After nine seasons, over 200 episodes, dozens of jokes epic, a water cooler-buzz-jam romance, a seismic shift in management, and a host of "that's what she said" jokes, The Office is the punching your time card NBC last Thursday night.

Many fans are positively verklempt about the end of this gem of a sitcom. Others are discouraged that has gone too far to appease the blinding show both hilarious. But everyone should take heart. The Office leaves a legacy prodigious comedy pioneer, a performance indelible Steve Carell as Michael Scott, the popularization of the mockumentary genre, now inevitable, and a new generation of comedy stars John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Rainn Wilson, and Mindy Kaling.

Another advantage: The office gave us a lot of advice - useful or not. So we mourn the end of this comedy work, remember some of the best and most hilarious series employment advice - straight from the mouth of Dunder-Mifflin's finest. Here, tips for living offices, from the characters of sage office:

Never trust your Human Resources representative.
Michael: Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for businesses. So it's not really a part of our family. Also have been divorced so not really a part of your family.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Tips to prepare for your interview

Tips to prepare for your interview

Getting ready for the big day

The most exciting time for a job seeker is when after months of job hunting, the employer calls you for an interview! At this level, the employer has verified that you are well qualified for the job and all you need to do is convince him that you are the best candidate. This is what you need to do.


The first thing you should do after hanging up the phone (and doing a happy dance) is researching the company online. Discuss the following: What does the company do? What products do you sell? What is the latest news of the company, who will meet and what is your position? The more knowledge you have in the company the better, as this will reflect on your interview. Since not all companies are online, you can always ask from your friends and family about the company.

Prepare your documents

Make sure your CV is updated with all current data. It must also have a folder containing all academic certificates, CV and other working papers tidily. By gathering all relevant documents in an interview, the employer gains confidence in her abilities as a test. Bring your papers also as representing professional and well organized.

Search for a training contract in the UK

Search for a training contract in the UK

Twice a year, the legal firms in the UK begin the legal hiring process allows lawyers who aspire to achieve the mandatory training contract two years must have to progress and become a lawyer. For many applicants, are tense months, tense - each year, the vacancies are less and the candidate set becomes larger and larger.

Being selected for the legal recruitment need some work from you. Before applying for any job even legal, make sure you have good grades and enough documented extra-curricular work. With a high level of competition for the few positions available, such these are prerequisites without which you will make your application will be rejected and will not have the opportunity to continue. Many companies are looking for more than one person to work for them one-dimensional. Having many interests outside while being able to maintain good grades is what is considered a good indicator of legal recruitment firms, since the evidence is going to be able to handle the workload, while maintaining a full life.

Secondly for each company plans to submit the application, make sure you have done your research about carefully and have a reasonable knowledge of business culture, history and standards. Many corporate companies have a large number of lawyers from the upper echelons of society and as such, are working their cultures. Will you be able to fit in that company or is it better for you to seek legal employment elsewhere? You must understand the culture and as such, this is what will determine if you can apply there.

Expect to wait at least two years before finding a legal recruitment post, so start sending their applications early. It is increasingly rare to get a training contract in the first attempt. Be sure to apply to a number of companies. It is normal to have some companies rejected the request because it is the first time you apply, but hiring is legal to be like, we should not lose hope - keep reapplying! His tenacity finally paid off. Remember to have a number of "b" and signatures option "c" on your list.

Tips for migrant workers seeking work in a new country

Tips for migrant workers seeking work in a new country

Thanks to a position within the first three months of their arrival in a new country can be a great question, but when you have a family to support and no income no time to lose.

There are many agencies in most countries offering help to new immigrants and definitely you should take advantage of this before departure. Try to make some contacts, while still in their home country, as it will be easier for you if you have established some contacts before you arrive.

You should know the language of the country

Knowing the common language in the country you intend to live will give you a great advantage, in fact you will lose if you can not communicate. It is not necessary to know all the nuances of the language, but you need to know enough to be able to communicate well enough to be understood. It would be very difficult to apply for jobs if you can speak and understand the language.

Respect cultural differences and prohibitions and Adaptation

Forum Retreat Resolves disputes and challenges

Forum Retreat Resolves disputes and challenges

Withdrawal Forum is an ideal way to achieve effective change within an organization. Companies use it as a platform to interact and meet employees working in different departments. Throughout the year, management and employees are kept busy with work on your own domain. Therefore, almost no time to meet with them and discuss critical business issues. Therefore, it is removed from the forum are organized by management to improve the relationship between professionals and strengthen the bond. It also results in strengthening the brand and increase productivity.

Now let forum know how training can help your organization achieve business success.

Resolving Conflicts at Work

Confrontation, ego, disputes are common in the workplace. If allowed to continue, these internal conflicts can be fatal to the company. Therefore, the management tries to solve these indifferences forum organizing a retreat. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, participants come together to solve problems and find effective solutions.

Sharing common goals

In any organization, management, along with the staff keeps busy with their respective work losing focus on common goals and business objectives. By organizing training programs in the forum, all employees and senior executives can be reminded of the general objectives of the company and its mission. The interaction with executives senior management can also be encouraged for such informal events, during lunch, and while working in the gym.

Migration to Australia: Basic information about Becoming a Registered Nurse

Migration to Australia: Basic information about Becoming a Registered Nurse

Registered Nurses are needed in Australia. While employment has grown in the last 10 years, with the shortage of nurses in the country remain of the highest and is scattered all over the states and territories.

Currently, Australia has one of the highest standards of health services in the world, and as such, the country strives to employ the best nurses and doctors to serve the population. If you think you have what it takes to join the medical workforce in Australia as an RN, read on to know more about the occupation and what it takes for you to do as a nurse in Australia.

Nurse: Job Prospects and Perspectives

According to the Job Outlook study by the Government of Australia, the growth in employment among registered nurses have grown in recent years. While the country is still in the need for nurses to maintain its solid medical workforce, especially in New South Wales, the growth has been in some meaningful way. In the last five years alone, there was a significant increase in the employment rate of 27.4%. The study also indicates that growth is expected to be very strong until 2017. Relatively, unemployment in the profession is low.

Physician Assistant Vs Nurse Practitioner Jobs - Differences and similarities

Physician Assistant Vs Nurse Practitioner Jobs - Differences and similarities

Medical assistants also known as BP are very similar to the nurses and yet different in many fronts. While both are medical professionals to provide quality health care, in fact there are some fundamental differences in the two jobs, in particular with reference to salaries and specialties.

Nurses Vs Physician Assistants - their functions overlap?

Physician Assistant jobs mainly involve practicing medicine under the direction of physicians and surgeons. A medical assistant do everything so delegated by a physician and may include diagnosis, treatment and prevention. They will take the health history of the patients, examination, order laboratory tests or x-rays if necessary, perform diagnostics and eventually treat diseases or injuries as under the direction of the physician. PA is sometimes also counsel patients and may even have some managerial duties.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Homeless? Embrace your freedom and enjoy the ride!

Homeless? Embrace your freedom and enjoy the ride!

I just discovered that I'm homeless. I have found that home because I started talking differently than it did before. Deposits started to plan bathroom was different than before. My eating habits changed. My hygiene habits changed. Everything changed, but not necessarily for the worse.

So I am speaking differently. I find myself saying things like "are you sure it's okay", and "I hope I'm on the way" and "do not worry, I'll find a job soon" and "I appreciate that let me stay here, "and" Until I got fired, I had a perfect life, "and" I'm waiting for a response on an apartment lease I'm thinking, "and so on. You say things you do not say if you were in your own home and taking care of your own self. You say these things to bring shame and what you can extend that stay for one more day - a week - if you're lucky, a month!

Fun Ways to start writing a story

Fun Ways to start writing a story

Every writer include themselves in their stories. It is easy to describe what kind of author is by reading their works. I also noticed that the writers share common history with their favorite authors. This may seem obvious, but it's one of those ideas that you never really think. The style of a writer is based on his personality and interests. This brings me to my first piece of advice, know what kind of writer you are. A horror writer would not be the greatest novelist of romance. As a mystery writer would have the largest base of fans for their or their science fiction stories. The author will be more fun to write about what interests him or her. The passion will spark creativity and boost mood for a writer to write. If you ever sat down and tried to write anything, while the hate thinking of what to write, you know it's almost impossible.

All laughter is healthy?

All laughter is healthy?

Who has not laughed at one of the most famous pictures in the history of British television comedy, the "Dead Parrot Sketch" from Monty Python's Flying Circus? Well, a person who comes to mind. A rival political party had adopted the image of a bird by its logo. Speechwriters Margaret Thatcher, encouraged her to summon the dead parrot sketch lampoon their rivals. This was done at the party conference. But the story goes that she had been reluctant to use it because she had not found funny.

The drawing illustrates a common element in the comedy that is the delight of feeling superior to others, as when we laugh at their misfortunes or shortcomings in contrast with ourselves - like watching someone cheated by a seller of pet.

Jonathan Winters: Entertaining the Crew

Jonathan Winters: Entertaining the Crew

As the receptionist at United / Western Studios in the 70s, I did a lot of money, but for a young woman with open eyes he had more important things that the advantages of a large salary.

The recording studio is located in the heart of Hollywood and over the years has hosted major artists from all genres of music to settle in an album project. I was starting in business as an aspiring songwriter and get my foot in the door to greet several stars who came to work was a real treat.

The Beach Boys had cut some early successes in Studio 3 with recording engineer Chuck Britz, Barry Manilow recorded "One Voice" in Study 2 and Study 1 was filled with a 60-piece orchestra, when Frank Sinatra sang " New York, New York ".

Soul beaten Mental Stuff

Soul beaten Mental Stuff

When you think about the existence, there are winners, losers, and everyone in between. The soul producing mental things when you fully realize it's a game, sometimes it feels really, but most of the time not. When you take things too seriously, you're trying to run out of gas in your car and someone for money to put in your tank. When you take things serious enough, however, with a light heart, it really becomes a winner to take it slow. Not only that, the big losers are those poachers who think that dishonesty is not somehow get by them. Like the fake "Ph.D." who "stole" a fake doctorate unaccredited "college savings", write a book and then gets caught in the act of "beat the system" below or the sneaky thief who thinks for stealing an ATM integer a crane is an easy way to get money. Reality always gets you better or worse.

10 office pranks confuse your coworkers intelligent Less Tech

10 office pranks confuse your coworkers intelligent Less Tech

Turn your computer screen - Wait until your victim leaves the room, and then press "Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow". This will flip the screen upside down. Simply press the "Ctrl + Alt + up arrow" to turn around when they seek help from you.

Set high-contrast mode - nice and simple and similar to the previous one. Press "Alt + Shift + PrintScreen" to activate high contrast. Could even be used in combination with a flip screen.

Mess with the mouse - You can pick up a cheap wireless mouse and receiver off ebay. Simply connect the receiver to your computer, and give your mouse a shake from time to time. This works especially well if they do delicate tasks such as graphic design.

Going from a short hallway to the kitchen of the complex

Going from a short hallway to the kitchen of the complex, located in the basement of the time when this antiquated building belonged to an apple orchard and not so recently has become a fine dining restaurant, with a smile, I was greeted by King Chef Ralph sand.

Through a squeaky voice said. "Hey, Sam Do the Watusi".

The chef looks like a squirrel bearded with a hat that looks like a grain of corn appeared in a puffy cloud.

While the chef is Beat the egg whites translucent snow peaks, main-demo walks in carrying a tan three-piece suit. He asks the chef. "What" s on the menu today? "

Saturday 18 May 2013

Create something amazing today!

Create something amazing today!


There is nothing surprising about a cow - is brown and 'Moos. A purple cow though it would be something to marvel at - something incredible and remarkable. Herein lies the premise of this book, written by one of the most thought provoking marketing gurus of our time. Principle Godin simple yet effective throughout the book is that it is no longer profitable or productive use remarkable marketing to sell an ordinary product. He argues that putting money into a remarkable product, now is the only way to get ahead.

It is a management position in your future?

It is a management position in your future?

If your answer is YES, you want to become a successful manager, you will have to develop your skills as manager of traits and skills that will make a "good".

However, do you know what traits and skills are the "good" manager profile? Everyone is not equipped with the attitude or knowledge. Training is essential for all who aspire to assume a leadership role in the company.

Author David Shubert goes into great detail about the qualities you need to get your dream job in management. Study with the best, listen and learn, spend quality time every day with exceptional leadership to absorb the best practices as Manager.

Social Media Secrets of Diane Griffin

Social Media Secrets of Diane Griffin

Do you know that teens should pay attention to their habits of social media, at least for the third year in high school? If they do, then you as a parent should step in and do something about it.

Back in the 1960's schools do not care about teens and social skills online to get into college. Although in the 21st century seems to be the biggest inflows Bling in college success. As a parent I can attest that I have little time, energy and money to help my teenager get into a great university. The cost of living has declined, my budget and funding is limited. Even when the teen choose a college that there is no guarantee that a reliable labor market will be there at the end of their degree of education of the election.

QUOTE: "In 2008 only 10% of the colleges controlled applications of social media activities and now in 2012 about 80% of schools to check the activities of social communication."

Is not that amazing?!

Please do not we just do what I say! (Book Review)

Please do not we just do what I say! (Book Review)

Management training and consulting

Bob Nelson, Ph.D., is president of Nelson Motivation, Inc., a management training and consulting. He has written numerous books on management and business skills, including the hit 1001 Ways (1001 Ways to Reward Employees, 1001 ways to energize employees, and 1001 ways to take initiative at work).

Given what you have to do at work

In five parts Bob Nelson reveals what employees can do to address what to do at work. Covered, thinking how to improve things, needs turn into opportunities, develop options and a plan of action, does not play games at work (Pt. 3) overcoming fear, frustration and failure (Pt 4 ); realize their potential (Pt. 5) and more.

Ask brings more than enough for

Bob Nelson uses simple language of common sense and reason in your style with purpose. He points out that employees should "always do what most needs to be done without waiting to be asked." Simple Tips works best.

Mr. Nelson offers viable ideas along with the benefits. He explains: "Whenever possible ... Take volunteer work to help others, and ask that projects or teams created to address pressing problems ... you will see that you are a capable and willing to assume challenges ... your value to the organization will rise ... "

Are you ready for your next opportunity? Update your resume!

Are you ready for your next opportunity? Update your resume!

Times are changing Sharp Keep your resume!

Do not be lulled into a false sense of security in security work for most people is a thing of the past, and in all honesty that is a good thing. Technology and business changes very quickly, so you really need to stay on your P's and Q's at all times, because you never know when something will change. As a professional, you should always be ready for something new, something different, and always want to be prepared.

After hearing many horror stories of people who had their lives changed abruptly when the employer decided to go out of business unexpectedly, or a change in the law books caused thousands of people to lose their jobs almost overnight. With the number of slips, purchases and acquisitions we are seeing in the industry around the world, be ready and prepared for change is not optional, it is mandatory. Part of this process is to remember that no matter who you are and what you do, you can find in the block, so you need to be prepared.

New book offers humorous look honest and Entrepreneurship Career Transition

New book offers humorous look honest and Entrepreneurship Career Transition

Gisele Aubin offers an honest look at what it means to change careers in mid-life and how she personally found his own happiness. "In Transit" is not your typical step by step guide with the kind of success the book, but rather, provides a realistic, emotional, and ultimately messy but satisfying story of how one woman discovered she wanted to do with the rest of his life. And readers will find empathy, hope, and ideas to advance their careers in these pages.

Gisele Aubin is a woman after my own heart. She has known the stress of the business world, and when his job came to an end, rather than be discouraged and jobless, she saw it as an opportunity to take a sabbatical from work and instead of spending time reinvent itself, trying to figure out if I wanted to continue in the world of business or become self-employed. At first, I did not know what she would do if she became an entrepreneur, what kind of business could start like this? And a couple of times, he was influenced to return to regular work as appeared various times, but each time, he felt his spirit rising against the idea, so they continued their transition to self-employment, or as she called "you-are-on-your-own-and-good-luck-with-that!"

Advocating Life Insurance - Our Financial Sword and Shield

Advocating Life Insurance - Our Financial Sword and Shield

Our Sword and Shield Financial: How do you protect my family against the unexpected is an extremely important book, inspiring and practical.

The author, clearly young Rowena has worked hard to gather the right information to help people - especially women - take the initiative to protect their families from financial stress if a breadwinner was canceled.

Easy to read - easy to understand

In a very clear, this book explains how life insurance, disability insurance and care insurance long term are vital to the abundant wealth that we all want to create in life. Even if we have a relatively high income, if sufficiently assure, we are taking big risks.

10 Things to do in the morning to start a good day

10 Things to do in the morning to start a good day

There are many people out there are motivated, driven, and successful. Have you ever wondered why, how and what these people do to maintain and balance their schedules and their lives to ensure efficient and productive day? Each person is different in their own way in which everyone does different things in the morning. I talked to some people I think are successful and tried to adapt some of their morning routines to mine. In doing so, I ended up feeling that there are a number of common habits of successful people.

Philosophical Studies in Education and Culture

Philosophical Studies in Education and Culture

Reading Caring, by Nel Noddings, has opened a space of care, which involves human interaction, previously, I had given extensive thought. Although I am majoring in education, nor will I be officially a teacher after graduation, the ideas discussed in Caring shall apply to the forms of teaching that I find in my life, as natural interactions with friends, co-workers and my future children. Throughout the book, many sections seem to be replicas of ancient ideas about care, relationships and life. Despite these other philosophies are often brought up, Noddings does illustrate how women can improve their look loving relationships in several cases, sometimes their ideas are a complete abandonment of his predecessors points of view, and in other cases they are just logic increased. Noddings discusses in depth the concepts of "caring" relationship between the "one-caring" and "care", "care ethics", a system of care based on "natural care," and "ethical idea ', an ideal how to convert "natural care" to "care ethics", in relation to the concrete relations. As a man, can be easy to overlook the care. Society seems to expect that it does not matter sometimes, or not to show too much emotion. I will show how these ideas have helped me Caring watch and analyze care relationships in my life and in relation to the film, The Class. As a result of newly acquired knowledge of care, I can say that, although François, one of the masters of the film, wanted to care, not simply moved really "worry" about "a concern" with their students.

When can you start? How to succeed in the interview and win the job by Paul Freiberger

When can you start? How to succeed in the interview and win the job by Paul Freiberger

The number one thing you can do to succeed in a job interview is to prepare. Preparing for an interview is exactly what "When can you start? How to succeed in the interview and win the job" by Paul Freiberger is about. Freiberger's advice, if followed, will help many in the preparation and be interviewed and ultimately get the job.

The book is divided into 15 easy to understand and apply the chapters. Freiberger guides the reader through all the elements of a job interview and provides outstanding advice along a suggestion. The book begins with a chapter on the preparation. As I said, this is the most important ingredient for success in any job interview. The book continues with chapters on research before the interview, doing informational interviews, how to do phone interviews, questions that must be able to respond (All variations of the biggest question), how to deal with their weaknesses, succeeding in panel interviews, a little more on the issues that may be illegal to ask and how to handle, deal with tricky questions, say "thank you" and meaning it, new forms of interviews, the questions you should ask when given the opportunity, a brief guide in wage negotiations, some additional key pieces for interview success, and a sample of the great interview.