Friday 24 May 2013

The 7 worst job interview mistakes people make

The 7 worst job interview mistakes people make

ou landed a job interview for a job you really want - but the hiring manager never called him after it was over. What happened?

It could be that the chemistry was not true, of course, or that wages are not aligned - but it is very likely that you made some silly mistakes and entirely preventable that derailed his chances.
"Given how competitive it is out there, I'm appalled by some of the mistakes interview people continue doing," says Dana Manciagli a career expert from Seattle, who spent a decade at Microsoft and currently runs his own executive coaching firm.

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She and other experts say that even the candidates for the highest professional standards make mistakes - not only those in the lower ranks or average level. In an economy still tight with a lot of people competing for jobs of all kinds, here are some of the best job interview pots:

1. You leave your cell phone on.
When your phone ring shortens critical conversation about the work they covet, I guess that makes your chances?
A human resources manager in Manhattan, says she sees this often - and always surprised when it does. "Candidates are going to say, 'Oh, gee, I'm sorry" and get to turn their phones off. But why did not I think of that before we walked in the door? For me, it is a lack of preparation. It is also inconsiderate. "
And if you really pick up the phone or send a text during the interview, as some people do - do not ask why they were not called.

Two. You are too focused on himself.
If you overuse the word "I" during the interview, hiring managers can see a big ego standing in the way of a job offer. "Many candidates talk about themselves ad nauseum, with little or no relevance to the job in hand," says Manciagli. "Whether this is due to nerves, or lack of self-awareness, or naivety - people hurt your chances of getting the job."
If you can not clearly articulate how you can help the company succeed or solve their problems, probably not a top candidate. "It's very important that you know the specific expertise required," says Manciagli. "This is basic and is directed to the preparation, but many people do not. Should say briefly during his interview:" From my understanding of the task, seeking these skills. This is how I can help. "Then it will be very specific."

Three. You are desperate - and it shows.
Some people have been out of work so long and are so desperate for work that they will say anything. Such over-eagerness and anxiety, however, is a red flag. "They say, 'Sure, I can do that," for almost anything that is present during the interview, "says Michele Woodward, career strategist in Arlington, Virginia." Reality is that they are thinking more in the payment of your mortgage or provide a summer vacation than on personal problem the company is trying to solve. "
People also tend to wander and when they are anxious. This is a much better plan to have, short concise answers to common questions prepared in advance. Once they say - smile, make good eye contact, and be quiet.

April. You can not answer basic questions about their qualifications.
It is one of the questions most common interview: "What are your strengths?" However, human resource managers say that too many candidates scam responses.

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"Even at the higher levels, people are given a list of memory of their previous work, or quote clichés like" I'm a workaholic and I like doing things. "Not enough," says Dana Manciagli Seattle.

Use this opening to its best advantage. "Companies want to know why you are a great fit for the job they have. Want details, skills, achievements. You might say:" I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter. 'O' My division brought five new accounts in six months, "or" We created three new advertising programs and drove X amount of revenue. "
And when you hear, "What is your greatest weakness?" It is an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Rehearse in advance. You might say, "In the past I've tended to assume too much, but delegating've been able to achieve the double."
May. You're late for the interview.

"I've heard every excuse in the book," says a human resources professional. "" I was stuck in traffic. "I could not find the building." "The campus is so big that I missed." Whatever the case, you have not given enough time. "I tell clients that if they are in the lobby 30 minutes before the interview, they are late." Bears emphasis: Allow extra time.

June. You know little or nothing about the culture of the company.

Do some research. Reach out to friends and colleagues in the industry. Browse the information. Ask professional coaches. Is the company ultraconservative? Do employees dress in business casual? Learn what you can - then dress for the interview accordingly.
"I can always tell when a candidate has done the basic task of the culture," says an experienced executive recruitment, "based on the way he or she looks." If in doubt, dress.

July. You talk bad about a previous employer.

Negative attitudes attract anyone - that's the bottom line. Also is a small world. Be careful what you say about the previous workplaces, especially when his guard. No matter why you left a job or what your experience was, there are diplomatic ways to explain an unfortunate circumstance, but the atmosphere (or boss, or pay, or company) was rotten. You can say that you are interested in new responsibilities, a variety of challenges, more authority, different location - or simply that the current job posting appeals to you so hard that I could not resist coming.

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