Saturday 18 May 2013

Philosophical Studies in Education and Culture

Philosophical Studies in Education and Culture

Reading Caring, by Nel Noddings, has opened a space of care, which involves human interaction, previously, I had given extensive thought. Although I am majoring in education, nor will I be officially a teacher after graduation, the ideas discussed in Caring shall apply to the forms of teaching that I find in my life, as natural interactions with friends, co-workers and my future children. Throughout the book, many sections seem to be replicas of ancient ideas about care, relationships and life. Despite these other philosophies are often brought up, Noddings does illustrate how women can improve their look loving relationships in several cases, sometimes their ideas are a complete abandonment of his predecessors points of view, and in other cases they are just logic increased. Noddings discusses in depth the concepts of "caring" relationship between the "one-caring" and "care", "care ethics", a system of care based on "natural care," and "ethical idea ', an ideal how to convert "natural care" to "care ethics", in relation to the concrete relations. As a man, can be easy to overlook the care. Society seems to expect that it does not matter sometimes, or not to show too much emotion. I will show how these ideas have helped me Caring watch and analyze care relationships in my life and in relation to the film, The Class. As a result of newly acquired knowledge of care, I can say that, although François, one of the masters of the film, wanted to care, not simply moved really "worry" about "a concern" with their students.

Noddings explains the fundamental nature of care that "the process of moral decision-making is based on the care required of a process rather than a realization of abstraction." (Noddings, 8) This is the base that continues to build its philosophy - the idea that no abstraction can create confusion. In What does care, she talks about the standard elements that you consider when thinking about care. Stands out above all overs reverie and continues to believe that is an important component of care in the following chapters. Being engrossed in a person is to have all of one's attention and interest absorbed by someone. I can not help but realize that at times I thought I was watching, it may not have been truly absorbed in the "maintained". Noddings states, "I can not say the attention ... If-guarding my superficial or unwillingly." (Noddings, 9) means that the care is not just an action - there beneath the surface qualities that are unique to a truly supportive relationship. You can not just go through the motions, and is expected to be recognized as a "concern" about the "maintained". This was a recurring problem within the film, The Class. The "neat" looking for signs that indicate whether the alleged "one-caring" makes sense for them or if they are simply in surface treatment. (Noddings, 19) later Noddings explains that this can be verified by reciprocity. If care is recognized "a careful" and accepted by the "maintained", that will be reciprocated. (Noddings, 70) To achieve this result - to make an impact in the "maintained" you can not help but notice - care must leave their preconceived notions and are dedicated to understanding the perceptions, needs and desires of others. (Noddings, 24) In the movie, François did not. He, like me, at times, tried to show her attention, but she did not fully consider the feelings of their students. In particular, this happens with Khomba. François had established a relationship with her, but did not realize what I did feel at times while they were interacting. She ended up thinking that her teacher messes with her. This was not the intention François ", however, was the end result. If François would totally immersed in the caregiving relationship, it would have produced a motivational change. When this happens energy flows" a love "to" maintained " . (Noddings, 34) If care is not recognized and promptly returned the "one-caring" should have the courage to go take care until confirmed. (Noddings, 38) François had great difficulty persevere while it seemed that none of students recognize their attempts to care. He seemed to retract his attention back to himself in these events. Taking care not to do this, so that the "maintained" always recognize that care must believe that the "one-caring" is completely absorbed in them, in the moment and not think about themselves.

Noddings begins to explore what "ethical care" means in Ethics and care section. "Care Ethics" is based on "natural care" and has its roots in specific situations. (Noddings, 28) Instead of addressing the moral issues regarding the principles of cold, which advocates look at every situation with regard to the needs, feelings and conditions. (Noddings, 27) The "natural care" referred to Noddings is exemplified by a mother and son. The type of care and self-absorption that gives your baby is what you should learn from and spread to the other networks of one's life. Noddings explores this topic in the section on women and care. She argues that women are naturally concerned about "maintaining and improving care." (Noddings, 42) care of a woman is the basis for morality and ethics. Unfortunately, François ethical care 'seemed to be deeper than that. Although there were times when he tried to seek ultimate principles and really worth attention, as when the school board is considering expelling Soleymane, there were other times when he forgot his role of "one-caring" and was removed again in itself. François lose his temper and for their interaction with the representatives of the class that was very expensive. Instead of placing himself in the position of girls and see how they could find humor of his classmates are criticized, called whores. To make matters worse, he withdrew further and continued to defend what he said and refused to see his perspective. this could have been an opportunity to show their "ethical concerns" with a sincere apology. Although this would have shown their vulnerability - something he feared to do - it would have been really a powerful example of the fallibility as a human being and as morally accountable to it. In the Ethics of being cared for, Noddings states that as employees, as teacher and student, the greater responsibility lies with the "one-caring." (Noddings, 76) François seemed to accept this responsibility in moments of the film. In his defense, if, as Noddings, "underlying the ethical care" natural care "to have experience, maybe there were times in his life in a natural affection, not occurred to him to learn from, you may still a way of defining completely If "We have memories of love, tenderness, and they lead us to a vision of what is good -. a state that is good in itself and the commitment to maintain and improve the good (the desire and commitment to be moral) "may have experienced less care education at a disadvantage I think so, and I think this is the reason Noddings moral education is so important - to transfer this knowledge of love. (Noddings, 99) in the one-caring as teacher, explains everything you do has moral connotations. (Noddings, 179) This is another reason why which the "one-caring" should be absorbed in the "care-for" "one-caring" should know how they are being received -. this is not possible if they withdraw into their own feelings and not at the time and focus on the situation.

Within the nature of the ideal, which cools Noddings considers the "two feelings" from which is derived the "ethical ideal": "humans feel natural sympathy for others and the desire to maintain, restore or improve our greatest concern and tender moments. " (Noddings, 104) is the commitment to openness in relations specific care natural care, Noddings naturally emerges that fight for an ideal. If François had taken more time to focus on reciprocity would have been more aware that the breakup was occurring involving his attempts to care. Although François faced a big challenge, achieving their concern seemed to be possible - in particular sometimes reached. In one case Soleymane François and took part in a loving relationship, reciprocity became evident when Soleymane showed happiness and pride after being recognized for his project documenting his family. Although not restricted to the "ethical ideal" acceptance can lead to focus on the concrete and away from abstractions that can confuse all parties involved in the care. (Noddings, 109) Within foster the ideal, Noddings draws again on "the development of receptive skills." By focusing on responsiveness and not rules, the child can avoid false conclusions about the consequences. (Noddings, 121) authoritarian styles, such as the principles of the class, show no sign of receptivity and to do these attitudes have no place in moral education. François contrasted sharply with the principle, and sometimes it comes to understanding the situations, however, even if this occurred was often given and reciprocated by their students. To keep caring, keep the relationship. However, there is also a special prize for the activity of mindfulness in joy. When one opens responsiveness in relationships also open to the experience of joy, as discussed in receptivity and joy in intellectual work. Joy is a special experience that seems to transcend traditional ideas of basic emotions. It can be a big surprise - the culmination of time and events in a relationship that explode in feelings of great joy and happiness. (Noddings, 145) compared Noddings creativity - an almost mystical experience that leaves one wondering where exactly is. As an artist in many ways, I liked this comparison and completely understood what she meant. The experience of joy is truly remarkable and can be a powerful motivator - one that can be used with great pleasure in the concrete relationships - if one opens receptivity.

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