Saturday 18 May 2013

Advocating Life Insurance - Our Financial Sword and Shield

Advocating Life Insurance - Our Financial Sword and Shield

Our Sword and Shield Financial: How do you protect my family against the unexpected is an extremely important book, inspiring and practical.

The author, clearly young Rowena has worked hard to gather the right information to help people - especially women - take the initiative to protect their families from financial stress if a breadwinner was canceled.

Easy to read - easy to understand

In a very clear, this book explains how life insurance, disability insurance and care insurance long term are vital to the abundant wealth that we all want to create in life. Even if we have a relatively high income, if sufficiently assure, we are taking big risks.

Imagine having a young, growing family. Both you and your spouse bring home salaries to make ends meet and are able to pay the mortgage on a nice house. But then, suddenly, one of you is beaten by a car accident and left paralyzed and blind. What would happen then? How would your financial situation?

A true defender of the family's financial security

Ms. Young has seen it happen too often among family members, friends and acquaintances. The loss of life and health can mean the beginning of a life-long struggle to manage with less revenue ... and this adds to all the pain and sadness people should try.

Seeing both unnecessary risk taking has led Rowena to become a lawyer dedicated to getting financial security to all families deserve. The book offers clear and honest answers to questions and excuses people may have about insurance.

Talking openly about the excuses, too

Often women leave the financial side of things the man of the house. But maybe it's too busy, or do not think about the risks involved when you have no life or disability insurance. After all, we do not think about the bad things that can happen, not to mention of plans that can happen to U.S.!

Thanks to the efforts of Rowena, many ways to get past our excuses and delays are available so we can do what we have to for the sake of our families.

What would happen to you and your family?

Consider this - even if you are a household of one person - what would happen if you suddenly are injured or ill and was incapacitated serious? Who will take care of you? Friends, family? How long would you be able to do that?

And would not you like to have that time with them doing fun things that do not need to clothe, feed and wash?

This is the kind of protection that is created to obtain insurance long term care. It means that someone is taking the risk and built the funds and expertise to successfully manage. This means you can be sure there will be help for you and your family if something terrible and unexpected happens - their lives will be different this time, but will be supported in the ways that good financial planning can provide.

An invaluable resource for insurance information for almost everyone

I recommend this book to anyone who needs a little clear and easy to understand about life, disability insurance and long term care. Our financial Sword and Shield not only informs, but provides a great source of inspiration for action.

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